Wine Collectors Prefer to See NFC Tags on
Their Wine Bottle Collections

Counterfeit wines are more common that people think. It has proliferated in the market over the past decade. In fact, according to a Forbes article, counterfeit wines are a multi-billion dollar problem, and even a study show that 20% of wines supplied around the world are not of the genuine kind. One cannot really distinguish between a genuine bottle of wine from a reputable vineyard versus from a counterfeiter because counterfeiters ingeniously use a the former’s own bottle and fill them with an alternative or distasteful wine. 

Billionaire on Point

American billionaire Bill Koch, in 2017, has invested over $35 million to investigate, track down and confront wine fraudsters when the four bottles of wine he bought that was supposedly owned Thomas Jefferson turned out to be fake. 

He had the labels of the vintage wine of Chateau Lafite Rothschild – one of the most expensive wines in the world – examined by a materials expert which concluded that the labels were applied using Elmer’s Glue; a clear signed he was swindled for the $400,000. 

For a billionaire, $400,00 is nothing. But for simple wine enthusiasts who just want to experience the good life by enjoying good quality wine, they can’t afford to spend that much and find out they were duped.

Meeting the Market’s Call

For Bill Koch, son of Fred C. Koch, founder of Koch Industries, “standing up for wine collectors by shining a bright light on fakers” is worth it. It is a huge undertaking but will be worth it because now counterfeiters have found their match in a collector with very deep pockets. 

But still, wine collectors are the most at risk by fraudsters just because they are not investing in the authentication of their bottles. 

Prevention is still better and cheaper than the cure. Vineyards don’t have to shed out millions to prevent fraudsters from faking their wine bottles. NanoMatriX is meeting the market’s Call with a unique brand protection and consumer engagement NFC-based solutions featuring highly secure authentication and accurate product supply chain tracing. 

Winemakers can employ TrackMatriX solutions using a customizable smarthphone app that offers product authentication and verification, plus a deeper consumer engagement with data availability to understand customers. 

Just a Simple Tap, Endless Benefits to Valued Wine Collectors

TrackMatriX®Platinum, a smart NFC-based solution, provides the endless benefits that wine collectors can’t miss, such as:

  • Enhanced confidence when ensuring the product originality

Delivery and display of tracking report and information about the bottle’s authenticity accurately and Instantly at every NFC-enabled smartphone tap

  • Interact directly with wine brand while enjoying the wine

Wine collectors are likely to know more specific information about the wine such as wine image, winery, chateau, origin and vintage, etc. Let consumers get more familiar with the wine brands and share their thoughts via social media buttons.

  • Guarantee your premium wine always in the best condition

With TrackMatriX®Platinum as their support, wine collectors can easily check the wine condition at their personal wine collection anytime to ensure the best timing for tasting. In addition, wines are also alternatives as gifts to someone special.

  • Unexpected positive surprises after cutting the tag

TrackMatriX®Tag always provides the additional features, even after cutting the tag. A custom message can be delivered to the wine collectors. This makes them curious and stimulates their desire to see what “secret” message is inside.

Start Your Brand Protection Plan Before it’s Too Late!

NanoMatriX understands the market trends as well as clients’ needs and requirements.

 To encourage the application of NFC-enabled system for wine industry, we would like to offer a NFC Starter Kit to an affordable price in our eShop. Let’s get started!

Contact us

If you have any questions regarding the wine protection or others related to brand protection and customer engagement solutions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +852 2523 9959

Fax: +852 2523 9759

Visit our NanoMatriX website for more information!

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